
If you’ve made it here, you likely have a newly-sparked love affair with the world’s most popular beverage.

So maybe you’re caffeine curious. You know great beans are out there, but how do you go about refining your tastes and your skills? Where do you find the best beans — harvested and roasted in the most responsible ways to turn a daily routine into a everyday ritual? How do you go from fast-food to fabulous, fair-trade coffee?

Our thought: start by comparing. And to compare, you’re going to have to try a lot of new things — and strike up some conversations with new friends who are passionate about their brews. (And guess what? You can — you seriously can call Rick any time — we love talking about coffee, food science, pop culture and current events! 973-230-7266.)

Think about the gear you’ll need. Get a few trusted friends together. Then try, taste, practice and repeat. And take notes!

Soon you’ll discover favorite beans and blends, and different pairing combinations that can put the essence of coffee into different parts of your daily life.

Home Brewing for Newbies


Single Origin

Single Origin

Micro Lot

Micro Lot